Friday, October 26, 2012

Information Technology System at The Marian Centre

The main access to this information technology system is through The Marian Centre website. Each element of the system could be also accessed independently. It is a web-based system which is rigorously guarded with security protocols similar to internet banking. These security measures are currently used in the health-care industry and have been medico-legally tested.
The goals of developing the Information Technology systems at The Marian Centre were:
  1. maintaining effective pathways for critical decision making processes
  2. monitoring consistency of clinical data entries
  3. improving communication between all members of the multidisciplinary team
  4. providing integrated clinical care
  5. creating appropriate protocols for quality assurance and further research in the area of information technology used in a mental health setting
During the process of implementation of the unique IT solutions at The Marian Centre, the Centre has established close links with IBA Health, a major provider of information technology in Australia and the Australia-Pacific region and its subsidiary Monet Health – Clinical Solution.
The Marian Centre integrated all aspects of hospital operations into one IT system. These elements, regardless of their operating system and types of applications, would exchange information through robust and well tested H7 messaging systems. Disseminating information from one source - Patient Administration System (PAS) - will allow all the applications used at the Marian Centre to provide the clinicians and other members of the team with consistent clinical and operational information, thus avoiding duplication of information entry. This process will prevent any possible mistakes and human errors arising from maintaining comprehensive databases of unique types of codes and information.
The Marian Centre Information Technology system will significantly reduce the time of data entry and, as a result of this, will create a major cost reduction in operations of the Marian Centre.